Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Help me

Why is it so hard to say or rather ask, help me? Will you help me? Are we all so self sufficient that we think we can live alone? Did we came to existence on our own? The fact that you know that you are you and I am not you is all that we know, even when all senses are taken away from us, this fact holds true. Yes, I need you, you need me, we all need one another, for even if you have not yet noticed, we are one. I don't know you, you don't know me, and do we need to? It is not that some fine day we find one another, but we have been there all through the timeless world. What nonesense! My friends, when I feel it, when you feel it, what is there to deny? Who are you trying to fool? Verily, we all are connected with nothing more than the intricate bonds of love and assured by the little helps that we offer one another. So now, please do help me, smile for me, so I can smile for you. 😁

What is so wrong in giving, accepting, caring, loving & living? Yes, what is so wrong in admitting? What is so wrong in being true to yourself? Would you bet your life on a conjecture? If you have to assume please do so, but only the good thoughts, for they are only thoughts, nothing more and nothing less! Truth has no words, for it is the source that has born words. You may ask, why all this mumbling! You will never say so if you can experience the inner peace of living what I have just said. You are a divine creation capable of so much good, what can you do to be good? Can you be good? Yes, you can. Try it. You already know! Yes, that is how inner peace feels like!

Alright, you say but there is so much hate, bad & evil out there, how can you speak such words, it's so sad that you have not yet noticed, the light that shines this world is nothing but you!

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