Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Visions

I can hear my heart beating, every beat of it as tirelessly it pumps the blood flow and I can feel every gush. And then realization of the solar plexus as a light ball slowly and steadily expanded, to eventually engulf the whole body. So light and all senses felt from within. Then came the visions.

First a lady, wrapped in a red towel, looking at a mirror, a dressing table, she is resisting her inner most desires, not ready to be weak for she knows she is strong.

The mountains, snow hiding the details but the fine dark patches where the snow has melted clearly shows the shape and size of the mountain. The horizon, it is sunset.

Out of space, giant alien ship, black with yellow stripes, its how its seen. Gas, dust of gas that camouflage the ship into hiding and slowly moving along with it.

A huge spider web, fills 1/3 of the cave entrance, the spider is sacred, slowly and carefully entered the cave and the spider relaxed, the cave is lit with a redish flame.

Huge tree, green with rather huge leaves, the wind is chilling, and the tree dancing willingly with the breeze, sees me and asked to smile, let lose and dance with me & how can I resist my smile.

A friend popped into the balcony, called my name and I woke up.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Deep Silence

Yesterday's lusters are all gone by
Troubling vibes in neutralized zones
Lessons learned, opportunities lost
How many mornings are in a lifetime
When you're greeted by a face incited
In the mood for unspoken adventures
Undeniable urges that explore unseen
Too matured for worthless impulses
Tired of the mundane routines of life
Let's hide away in my private getaway
Filled with strangers, do bird-watching
Perhaps water sports, surf huge waves
Lonely soulful walk by the beach front
Deep silences for renewed inspirations

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Soul's Desire

The worldly desires encompasses our senses
Touch of the skin desires lust & to master it
Words of the tongue desires rage & to forgive
Eyes desires the beauties & to see pass them
Taste desires the indulgences & to balance it
Ears desires to hear harmonies & to accept it
Soul desires none of it but awareness of truth

Friday, July 17, 2015

Durable Fulfilment

All joy and fulfilment are just creations of Allah
How easily forget the creator to love the created
Soul is designed so to fulfill it's endless desires
But when it has everything it wants it's in sorrow

There ain't any real pleasures until earned by will
And can not be earned unless it becomes worthy
And can only be worthy in the state of loving Allah

For an immature soul, that's not in love with Allah
Thirst of desire climaxes at the first sip of water
And the desires slowly dies away with every sip
For it see it's own reflections in the cup of water
And blocks the stream of Nur that fills it's desires
Given away to the wisphers of it's worst enemy

But the soul that's aware, knows and loves Allah
Nur is an endless waterfall of durable fulfilments

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Allah's Nur

You can only see the beauty with your eyes when lights are on
In the dark, candles only help in the seeing, as a limited guide
Sun sets and rises, for with night we can differentiate the day
But you can't look directly at the Sun for it's nur will blind you
It's the reflections all around us that makes the day so bright
Only Allah's Nur gives happiness and absence of it is sadness
And for the heart with faith, day and night are only states of life
Like the Sun and the candles, know it in your heart, Allah's Nur

Monday, July 13, 2015

Such a LOVER

There is no greater love than the love of God
Such a Lover, when facing a cold water fall
Can feel the impatience to jump right into it
But before that, can't hold the pure crys of joy
Can't help but humbly fall down on the knees
And glide the self into endless flowing water

Such a lover, would also long to die of his love
As someone bearing the symptoms of Edema
Who knows excess water will bring only pain
But indulges freely, quenches to end the thirst

Such a lover, has no fear but loves the death
Throwing at will all the cloths before the cold
Shame and fear are like covers to the shivers
Undress, embrace nakedness, gaily fly to death

My Lord, Take My Soul

The soul's tricked to take many hidden personas
That crave for thirst, to sip little drops of water
That seek for clarity, to claim self sufficience

Grow on it, with the divine guide in self-mastery
With a little bit of restrain using scent of clamity
You will concur gorgeousness and be formidable
If you don't want to grow on your own, don't worry
It's not that it's the only way or got to decide now

The Friend, who care and your existence matters
Will fill your life with restrains, clamity & burdens
As a remedy, as endless joy and never leaves you

Until you reach the epoch, humbled at a standstill
And can at last say like that of a Martyr's prayer
Lord, I trust you in what's best for me, so take me

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Lost in Love

Truth is, no matter how much I fake
When I feel it & know it, it must be real
I have tried replacing it, only with hurt
To so many souls that do not deserve
So let me suffer, alone, this loneliness

Yes, I still have those feelings for you
But don't know how to express it well
Or rather if you got anything for me

Lost love, time only made feelings fresh
But I have no clue, where can we start
Or even if we can start or if there is we

Now there is the spark but how to last
The continuation do need serious work
Old feelings but a good part of history

Believe, I can't move on, until you move on
This is a silent prayer, I will suffer a lifetime
Unless there comes a day, when u start a life
A loving life without me, happy and joyful

Let this waiting in vain be my punishment
For hurting and for the sins I have made
In rejecting a gift like you from God
A match made in heaven, spoiled by will

The curse of time is the cure, when lost in love

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Help me

Why is it so hard to say or rather ask, help me? Will you help me? Are we all so self sufficient that we think we can live alone? Did we came to existence on our own? The fact that you know that you are you and I am not you is all that we know, even when all senses are taken away from us, this fact holds true. Yes, I need you, you need me, we all need one another, for even if you have not yet noticed, we are one. I don't know you, you don't know me, and do we need to? It is not that some fine day we find one another, but we have been there all through the timeless world. What nonesense! My friends, when I feel it, when you feel it, what is there to deny? Who are you trying to fool? Verily, we all are connected with nothing more than the intricate bonds of love and assured by the little helps that we offer one another. So now, please do help me, smile for me, so I can smile for you. 😁

What is so wrong in giving, accepting, caring, loving & living? Yes, what is so wrong in admitting? What is so wrong in being true to yourself? Would you bet your life on a conjecture? If you have to assume please do so, but only the good thoughts, for they are only thoughts, nothing more and nothing less! Truth has no words, for it is the source that has born words. You may ask, why all this mumbling! You will never say so if you can experience the inner peace of living what I have just said. You are a divine creation capable of so much good, what can you do to be good? Can you be good? Yes, you can. Try it. You already know! Yes, that is how inner peace feels like!

Alright, you say but there is so much hate, bad & evil out there, how can you speak such words, it's so sad that you have not yet noticed, the light that shines this world is nothing but you!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

For Love!

Make every inhale and exhale for love
As if every blink of the eyes are for love
Nothing charges for endurance like love
For every step you take is laboured for love
What every thought encompasses is love
Best of sights are engulfed in eternal love
For when you're hungry you eat for love
The quenchs when you're thirsty are for love
What every smell resembles is known by love
Awarenesses in your vibrations are by love
The words that sooth your soul are for love
The struggles that you enjoy are for love
For all needs and wants are a source of love
At every joy the fire in your heart is love
Every sorrow is dedicated by you for love
Your wrath lose meaning in the face of love
There is no joy but the joy of giving for love
Nothing fills you like caring others with love
Nobody exists but between you there is love
Craving touches are felt in your soul as love
For everyone is just one, only united by love
The entire universes and your existence is love
Nothing feels at it's entirety as you feel in love

Yes, it is love, for love, the infinit love of Allah