Tuesday, June 30, 2015

For Love!

Make every inhale and exhale for love
As if every blink of the eyes are for love
Nothing charges for endurance like love
For every step you take is laboured for love
What every thought encompasses is love
Best of sights are engulfed in eternal love
For when you're hungry you eat for love
The quenchs when you're thirsty are for love
What every smell resembles is known by love
Awarenesses in your vibrations are by love
The words that sooth your soul are for love
The struggles that you enjoy are for love
For all needs and wants are a source of love
At every joy the fire in your heart is love
Every sorrow is dedicated by you for love
Your wrath lose meaning in the face of love
There is no joy but the joy of giving for love
Nothing fills you like caring others with love
Nobody exists but between you there is love
Craving touches are felt in your soul as love
For everyone is just one, only united by love
The entire universes and your existence is love
Nothing feels at it's entirety as you feel in love

Yes, it is love, for love, the infinit love of Allah